About Kim Quance

From childhood I have always been interested in helping people, and all my work has been involved with what you might call “the caring professions”. My interest in health and the real causes of illness began early on in life and continues today.
I began my working life as a Medical Secretary, and later trained as a midwife. When my son was diagnosed with autism in the mid-1990s this heralded a great change in my life. I needed more time to spend with him, and my work needed to fit round my family commitments. I took up the interest in complementary therapies that had begun in my student midwifery days with my dissertation entitled “Homoeopathy for Pregnancy and Childbirth”. Energy therapies, including homoeopathy, Reiki, crystal therapy and Energy Field Healing have proved to be of enormous help to all my family.
I qualified as a Crystal Therapist in 1998 and as a Reiki practitioner in 2000. Around the same time I was asked to teach anatomy and physiology to aromatherapy students, which I did for several years. I trained as a Reiki Teacher and began teaching Reiki in 2002. From 2003-2010 I taught Reiki in Adult (Community) Education. From 2001-2010 I was an occasional Visiting Lecturer at the University of Wolverhampton where I taught about crystals and energy work on the Complementary Therapy Degree Course. While at Tamworth I studied and passed the City and Guilds 7302 and later the CTLLS Adult Teaching qualification.
Over the years working with clients my sensitivity to energy developed and I began to sense colours and textures in the energy field; sometimes emotions or words as well. My hands wanted to move, which is not part of traditional Reiki work, and I began to clear away the old, stuck energy I was sensing. Sometimes I felt chakras that were damaged or stuck together and I worked on these, or on the outer layers of the energy field. I felt I needed to progress my training to encompass these developing skills, and in 2008 I trained as an Energy Field Healer, and began my training as a Shamanic Healer. I completed the Advanced Energy Field Healing Diploma in April 2009.
More recently I qualified as a Certified Teacher for the Subtle Energy Awareness Programme ® and the Enhance Your Light Meditation Programme ® In 2016 I fulfilled a long-held dream to become a Certified Teacher for Energy Field Healing. Now I share with students the skills I use every day with clients.
The Human Energy Field is endlessly fascinating to me. I continue to be interested in why people become ill and how they might best be helped, and help themselves, to improve their health and sense of well-being. Over the years I have come to understand that there is almost always an emotional aspect to physical illness, and that people may need different therapies at different times in their lives. Optimum nutrition and sensible supplements are also part of the picture, and I encourage my clients to consider these aspects of their lives.
I practice what I teach, and enjoy taking good care of my physical and emotional health. At home we use homoeopathy as a first port of call for almost any health problem, and I treat my husband and my son energetically. I have energy work regularly, to help keep my own energy field balanced and clear. I encourage my students to follow this example.
For relaxation I love reading, gardening and walking. I practice Qi Gong daily and enjoy studying Spiritual Astrology. My holiday escape is our beautiful small barn in Devon, which is also available for holiday lets.