
Could You be an Energy Field Healer?

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During healing sessions, or when people find out what I do for a living, I am sometimes asked about being an Energy Field Healer.  Queries range from, ‘Can anyone do this?’,  to ‘My hands go hot when I’m near someone ill – is that healing energy?’, and even,  ‘Do you have to be special to do this?’

The straightforward answers to the first two questions are -  Yes, anyone can do energy work, because we are all Energy Beings.  All you need is the will to have a go, some training and plenty of practice.  I think a sense of curiosity helps too!  And some healers do feel increased energy flow as heat in their hands.  

As for the last question -  No, you don’t have to be ‘special’ to do energy healing.  I tell my students, “If I can do this, anyone can.”   That comment usually brings a few surprised looks, but it is my opinion.  I came from an extremely practical, biology and medical-based background and there was a time when I was very sceptical about ‘weird stuff’ – ‘energy’ (whatever that was!), meditation, chakras, and so on.  If someone had told me 25 years ago what I would be doing now, I would have laughed in disbelief.  I had a much more conventional career mapped out. 

So, how do you become an Energy Field Healer?  Well, good clear training is a necessity, and practice is essential.   In my search for whatever it was I was looking for, I attended many different courses over the years and worked with different teachers and models of healing.  From that mixed experience it is my belief that the teaching of energy work needs to be as practical and supportive as possible, and this is why …

Most of us have grown up in a world where the subtle, the invisible, is either ignored or mocked.  Suddenly considering the existence of a ‘Human Energy Field’ is extraordinary – and you might wonder how on Earth a person could learn to sense and then to understand, and re-balance, this unseen part of us.  My view is this needs careful, detailed instruction, particularly at the beginning, to build the student’s confidence in their own abilities.  This includes the ‘subtle anatomy’ of the Human Energy Field (chakras, layers, Central Channel and more) being taught in detail, as well as basic scanning and sensing of the field being demonstrated clearly and repeatedly.  Teaching then expands to bring in techniques for the different healing requirements of the Human Energy Field – mending damage in the layers, clearing blocks from the chakras, ensuring the client’s grounding is reinstated, and so on. 

The least helpful instruction I ever heard on a healing course (in Worcs) was when brand new students, including me, on their first weekend, were paired up to ‘do healing’ and told, with no previous instructions at all, “Hold your hands out and intuit.”   Intuit what??  The instruction might, just, have been ok for the rare person who has a strong natural intuitive sense for subtle energies – or those who had other healing training - as I already had.  But most people are not this naturally skilled.  Consider the difference between the natural, rare prodigy in maths or music, and the rest of us.  They can ‘just do it’, while the rest of us might only reach a high level of skill if we had lots of good instruction and lots of practice. 

When I began learning about energy and healing 25 years ago, if someone had told me to ‘hold my hands and intuit’, honestly, nothing would have happened.  I would have been puzzled and completely lost.  I would have felt I had ‘failed’ and been failed by those teaching.  I would have walked away and would not be the healer and teacher I am today.  As a practical person, when I want to learn something, I need to be taught, to be shown exactly ‘how’.  Once my confidence builds, then I can ‘intuit’.   When children are taught to swim, we don’t push them into the water and shout, ‘intuit the strokes’, while they drown.  Nor do we wait for them to re-invent the wheel and find the strokes that work.  We teach the movement of the strokes first, safely, and let them practice, and then we support them as they move out into deeper water. 

I am not a naturally ‘intuitive’ person, so I understand anyone who struggles with this side of energy work.   However, I do regard myself as a very good ‘technical’ healer. I have learned well and as the years have passed my intuitive skills have developed.  This makes sense to me.  In my Medical Secretarial training years ago I was taught, “accuracy first, speed follows.”  It’s the same with healing – the ‘how to’ first, intuition will follow naturally, at the student’s own pace of development. 

This is how I teach Energy Field Healing.  Step by step, showing students exactly ‘how to’, sharing my experiences, letting them know how energy might ‘feel’, describing what has worked for me - as well as what hasn’t, but what might work for them - always allowing for the fact that we are individuals and will ultimately sense energy and work with it in our own unique way.

So, YES, anyone can be an Energy Field Healer, and if you would like to explore your innate healing abilities and learn more about the Human Energy Field, consider joining me for the next Foundational Diploma in Energy Field Healing. 

Contact information is on my website,  where you can sign up for Newsletters which will inform you about the next dates for the Diploma, or email me at [email protected].

 DISCLAIMER (The Small Print)       

These are just my current thoughts. 

Thoughts can change as we learn and grow.

I can be wrong, but am nevertheless entitled to my thoughts.

You don’t have to read my blog or take any notice of anything I say.

It is important you always make up your own mind - about everything.

I am not you, and don’t know you or the details of your life. 

Therefore, you are responsible for any decisions or changes you make as a result of reading

my thoughts. 

Finally, nothing in any of my blogs is intended nor should be taken as medical or health advice.  Always research for yourself and talk to doctors or therapists you trust (conventional or complementary).