I’ve always thought that KNOWLEDGE is EMPOWERING, and over the decades I’ve found it vital for my own health and well-being to seek out clear information, unbiased answers, for all sorts of questions. I have also found that truly unbiased answers don’t always follow or agree with the status quo. Where I find myself now, for instance - Energy Field Healer/Teacher, Reiki Master, Shamanic Practitioner/Teacher, and amateur homeopath for my family - is not always well looked on. There are those who simply don’t have any regard for what I do, or for looking at the world from an energetic or spiritual perspective. According to that way of thinking, if you can’t see it and touch it, and ‘prove’ it, according to Newton’s Laws of Physics, then it doesn’t exist.
Hmm, people once believed the Earth was flat and that if you sailed far enough you could even fall off the edge! People once believed absolutely the Earth was the centre of the Universe, and the Sun went round the Earth, because that is what it looked like from their small perspective. Isaac Newton described the world as a great big machine and set narrow Laws of Physics which described how the world worked. Fine for a couple of hundred years. Then Newton’s Laws were proved to be, quite simply, ‘not enough’. They described the physical world. But quantum physics goes way beyond that, into the movement and behaviour of particles we cannot see or touch, but which are very much there, and behave in ways Newton would never have understood. Unfortunately, conventional medicine still leans towards the physically based Newtonian view and does not take account of the energetic aspects of people. Body, Mind and Spirit are still largely regarded as separate in the medical world.
I can’t change the minds of those who think in Newtonian terms. I can only go on doing what I do, for those who find Energy work helpful, and hope to help people find their own strengths.
My life path led me to explore many different models and views of healing - conventional and complementary - as well as different paradigms that describe the world, and this helped me to see a wider picture and make comparison. I found myself noticing the similarities, not just the differences, as I learned and read about various ways of healing. It was the similarities that gave meaning for me. If different modes of healing, different books, touched on a similar pattern, even in a small way, and sometimes that pattern was also echoed in much older writings, I felt there had to be a greater truth there. And Truth is one thing I have always searched for.
So, by seeking what has meaning for us personally, what resonates with us, we can do a great deal to support and empower ourselves on every level of our Being. We can be, as James LeFanu says in his brilliant book, “TOO MANY PILLS” - our own physician - understanding our physical body, how it works, what could help, and researching carefully any medicines or treatments we are offered. We can help ourselves emotionally and mentally by exploring what we are feeling and, with help or on our own, work out why that might be, and take whatever steps might improve our situation.
The physical body and what affects our health is more individual than conventional medicine gives it credit for. Not long ago I signed up to an organisation called ‘Fitness Genes,’ www.fitnessgenes.com. You send off a sample of saliva and they report back on your personal genetic traits. They regularly send through new traits which have been found. I’d known for years that I was gluten and dairy intolerant and my experience was supported by the book, “Live Right 4 Your Type, the Blood Type Diet” by Peter D’Adamo. Then, according to Fitness Genes, I am indeed genetically intolerant to gluten and dairy.
Another trait came through just the other day, about salt sensitivity and high blood pressure. Who would have thought it, that some of us are genetically susceptible - blood pressure-wise - to salt in our diet – and some are not. I love salt and was pleased to see that I don’t carry this susceptibility. Therefore, the amount of salt I choose to use will never affect my blood pressure. These individual traits explain clearly why conventional medicine cannot do what it tries to do all the time – fit all of us into the same box.
Moving on from the physical, on an energetic and Spiritual level we can empower ourselves by exploring the unseen world of energy more deeply, and considering what, as a Spiritual Being, we came here to learn and to do. Taking steps to have our Energy Field cared for if that is necessary.
I can’t apologise for being an avid reader. Books are such a useful tool and support, and I love them so much. And now we have websites too! Here are a just a few of the books and websites I’ve found useful over the years. I’ve divided them into four categories. Please do remember, all the books and websites I suggest are just that, suggestions from my personal experience. There are many more out there. However, all should be used carefully, always bearing in mind that sometimes we need outside help.
It’s vital to care for your physical body – it is all you have to carry your soul through this lifetime! If I feel I have a physical problem the first thing I want is a clear diagnosis. Off to my GP, which is only sensible. Then, when I know what’s going on, I explore, seek as much information as possible, so I can make an informed and empowered choice about how to deal with the issue, with my body.
(A great book that describes a way of eating – not a diet – depending on your blood type. Dr. D’Adamo is one of those who has been put down by some in the conventional medical community, but I read the book and found it made sense to me. It certainly helped the IBS I had been diagnosed with, as well as mild joint pains, asthma, skin condition and more.)
“TOO MANY PILLS” James LeFanu (2018)
(A brilliant book by Dr. LeFanu, who knows exactly how the pharmaceutical companies, conventional medicine and drugs work – and often do more harm than good. His insights are illuminating to say the least! I wish this informative book had been around many years ago.)
(The Mayo Clinic is a well-known medical establishment in the USA. Some tests and treatments are different from the UK, but it’s a useful site to look up background info about symptoms or diagnosis. Do go carefully! Don’t use sites like this for self-diagnosis! For information only!)
(Diagnosed with a mild uterine prolapse a few years ago I felt devastated at first. Until I came across this website and voila! Loads of incredible information, accurate anatomy and physiology and a workable way of managing a prolapse. Back then the information was available in a book, “SAVING THE WHOLE WOMAN”, which I found invaluable. Unfortunately, this amazing book is now only available as second-hand copies (though there has been mention of an updated version coming out). But the website has lots of information and offers streaming videos. I prefer my book, but I’m old-fashioned that way. P.S. – for anyone with a prolapse I added acupuncture and homeopathy to energy healings and found both helpful.)
(That is, “What Doctors Don’t Tell You”. A magnificent website and I subscribe to the magazine. Loads of up to date, accurate and useful information about healthy eating, along with alternative and complementary ways to tackle all kinds of physical problems.)
(I found this website trying to help my mum, diagnosed with osteoporosis. Lots of free articles to read on the website, as well as books you can buy. Osteoporosis, according to the website, can be reversed.)
It’s so important to do what we love in life. If it can’t be your job, make it your hobby.
“MOLECULES OF EMOTION”, (1997) by Candace Pert.
(Candace was a neuroscientist and this fascinating book is her description of how science conclusively proves that our emotions affect our health and sadly, how much internal politics affects medical research.)
“STEERING BY STARLIGHT”, (2008) Martha Beck
(A lovely self-help book with plenty of interesting exercises.)
“LIFE CHOICES, LIFE CHANGES”, (1995) Dina Glouberman
(Another book I’ve had a lot of fun with, Dina works with her model of visualisation to help you explore personal questions or problems.)
“GAMES PEOPLE PLAY”, (originally published 1964, 2016 version Penguin Books)
Eric Berne
(A great book for understanding human relationships, based on the useful Transactional Analysis model of psychotherapy.)
“I’m OK, You’re OK”(Pan Books) and “Staying OK” (Pan Books, 1985
(Brilliant, easy to read books about Transactional Analysis. You will find yourself in the pages!)
Carolyn Myss suggests we should do what Feeds our Spirit. I agree. Whether that is prayer, meditation, creating beautiful art or music, working with animals or people, or something else that draws you. A recent piece of research proved that those who live a life with MEANING are much more physically healthy than those who live a life filled with the more dubious “pleasures” of the modern physical world.
For me the spiritual side of life is an incredibly important part of Who I Am and What I Do. My work as a Healer and Teacher is not just a job, it’s a way of life. I’ve included books about the therapies I practice, as well as more general reading.
“SETH SPEAKS” (and other ‘Seth’ books), Jane Roberts
(Fascinating channelled books, by a being who calls himself Seth, brought through by Jane Roberts. Old now, from the late 1960s, through the 1970s and early 1980s, but still very interesting to read.)
“EMMANUELS’ BOOK”, (plus Emmanuel’s Books II, III, IV), Pat Rodegast
(Beautiful, gentle, channelled books, organised in the form of questions very pertinent to our lives as humans, asked of Emmanuel, with the answers channelled by Pat Rodegast. These have been on my bookshelf for many years, and I still find them comforting and uplifting.)
“PSYCHIC PROTECTION” Caitlin Matthews (2005)
(Caitlin is a shamanic teacher, and this is her book about psychic/energetic protection with some wonderful exercises and advice.)
“HANDS OF LIGHT”, “LIGHT EMERGING”, (and more recently “CORE LIGHT HEALING”), Barbara Brennan
(These are beautiful, though sometimes complex, books. At the beginning of my journey, more than 25 years ago now, ‘Hands of Light’ in particular became a signpost for me, turning up in the office of my Homeopath, later in my Crystal Therapy teacher’s hands, and on the table in my Reiki teacher’s home. They are old friends and often re-read.)
(An informative book, describing the Human Energy Field in detail, in an understandable way, which is important, because not all books do this. The book has information, describing how we interact with others energetically, and how energy can become blocked and affect us physically and emotionally. There are also easy, useful energy exercises to help you to begin to clear and balance your own energy and empower yourself.)
(A brilliant book about Reiki with detailed history, drawings of hand positions, and notable for being the first book to put the Reiki symbols in print.)
(The website of my favourite shamanic teacher, the wonderful Jonathan Horwitz. You will find much wisdom here, in Jonathan’s own words.)
“THE WAY OF THE SHAMAN” Michael Harner (Harper One Books, 1980, 1990)
(One of many shamanic books I’ve read, and one of the best.)
To finish, a favourite quote I often share with students:
“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.
Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations.
Do not believe in anything because it is spoken and rumoured by many.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books.
Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.
But, after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”
(attributed toGautama Buddha)